Your unique body odor could identify who you are and provide insights into your health – all from the touch of a hand

Human scent could one day be used as evidence in forensics and as diagnostic information in medicine.

Vidia A. Gokool, Postdoctoral Researcher, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory • conversation
Sept. 20, 2023 ~8 min

Vet students pick up iffy beliefs about dog breeds and pain

Veterinary students pick up on cultural attitudes about dog breeds and pain—attitudes that aren't always in line with research findings.

Matt Shipman-NC State • futurity
Sept. 13, 2023 ~6 min

Can animals give birth to twins?

Animals often give birth to litters of more than one offspring at a time. But are those babies twins?

Tracy Jaffe, Assistant Clinical Professor of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University • conversation
Sept. 11, 2023 ~7 min

Nearly half of dog owners are hesitant to vaccinate their pups

Hesitancy towards COVID vaccines extends to pet vaccinations, as well—and at worrying levels, researchers report.

Jillian McKoy-Boston U. • futurity
Sept. 1, 2023 ~7 min

There’s a link between respiratory and digestion issues in dogs

During a new swallow study, 75% of dogs with respiratory disease had one or more digestive tract abnormalities.

Brian Consiglio-U. Missouri • futurity
Aug. 24, 2023 ~6 min

At least 1 in 5 shelter dogs has Lyme disease or heartworms

Shelter dogs in the Eastern US may be bearing the brunt of ticks' and mosquitoes' expanding range due to warming temperatures.

Leigh Beeson-U. Georgia • futurity
Aug. 22, 2023 ~7 min

Dogs sniff out COVID more effectively than tests

Dogs can detect COVID-19 infections faster and more accurately than conventional technology, a review shows.

Sonia Fernandez-UCSB • futurity
Aug. 21, 2023 ~7 min

Want to help Maui's animals after the wildfires? Send cash, not kibble

Animal shelters and other organizations that support pets and their owners after disasters will still need help months after the media has moved on.

Sarah DeYoung, Disaster Researcher and Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice, University of Delaware • conversation
Aug. 21, 2023 ~10 min

Dog attacks on adults are rising – but science shows simply blaming breeds won't help

Different dog breeds are often blamed for increases in dog attacks. But science shows reality is more complicated.

John Tulloch, Lecturer, University of Liverpool • conversation
Aug. 14, 2023 ~7 min

Dog attacks on adults are rising – but science shows blaming breeds won't help

Different dog breeds are often blamed for increases in dog attacks. But science shows reality is more complicated.

John Tulloch, Lecturer, University of Liverpool • conversation
Aug. 14, 2023 ~7 min
