Plant compound shows promise against fungal infection

A plant compound inhibits the growth of drug-resistant fungus Candida auris in the lab, a study finds.

Carol Clark-Emory • futurity
Sept. 21, 2023 ~9 min

Team finds drug-resistance genes in C. jejuni

Research finds that antibiotic resistance genes are prevalent in the bacterium Campylobacter jejuni, a leading cause of food borne illness.

Emilie Lorditch-Michigan State • futurity
Sept. 1, 2023 ~6 min

Phages could soon test and treat urinary tract infections

Growing resistance to antibiotics is renewing interest in phage therapy for conditions like urinary tract infections.

Vanessa Bleich-ETH Zurich • futurity
July 21, 2023 ~6 min

A novel combination therapy counters antibiotic-resistant Mycobacterium abscessus infections

SMART researchers combine rifaximin and clarithromycin to effectively restore the latter drug's efficacy.

Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology • mit
June 26, 2023 ~6 min

Drilling down on treatment-resistant fungi with molecular machines

Fungal infections can be among the hardest to treat, and since the pandemic began they’ve become only more common. To prevent future antifungal resistance, scientists have developed tiny molecular drills.

James Tour, Professor of Chemistry, Rice University • conversation
May 26, 2023 ~9 min

Using AI, scientists find a drug that could combat drug-resistant infections

The machine-learning algorithm identified a compound that kills Acinetobacter baumannii, a bacterium that lurks in many hospital settings.

Anne Trafton | MIT News Office • mit
May 25, 2023 ~8 min

How do _Candida auris_ and other fungi develop drug resistance? A microbiologist explains

Multidrug-resistant fungal infections are an emerging global health threat. Figuring out how fungi evade treatments offers new avenues to counter resistance.

Jeffrey Gardner, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County • conversation
May 3, 2023 ~7 min

Every cancer is unique – why different cancers require different treatments, and how evolution drives drug resistance

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating cancer. Understanding how cancer cells evolve could help researchers develop more effective drugs.

Monika Joshi, Associate Professor of Hematology and Oncology, Penn State • conversation
May 1, 2023 ~10 min

Substance may offer a better way to treat some staph infections

A new substance may treat staph infections in people with skin lymphoma. That's good news for patients and fighting antibiotic resistance.

Sascha Kael Rasmussen-U. Copenhagen • futurity
March 20, 2023 ~6 min

To track drug resistance, test wastewater over 24 hours

Composite samples of wastewater from over 24 hours give a more accurate representation of the level of antibiotic-resistant genes in the water.

Mike Williams-Rice • futurity
Dec. 22, 2022 ~7 min
