Electric eels inspired the first battery two centuries ago and now point a way to future battery technologies

One species of eel can discharge 860 volts of electricity – that’s 200-fold higher than the top voltage of a single lithium-ion battery.

Timothy J. Jorgensen, Director of the Health Physics and Radiation Protection Graduate Program and Professor of Radiation Medicine, Georgetown University • conversation
May 9, 2022 ~9 min

How city roads trap migrating fish

A recent US study found tyre chemicals were polluting rivers and poisoning migratory salmon.

Stephanie Januchowski-Hartley, Sêr Cymru Research Fellow in Environmental Sciences, Swansea University • conversation
Jan. 8, 2021 ~5 min

Culverts – the major threat to fish you've probably never heard of

Fish need to cross roads too. But the tunnels built to channel rivers under roads and railways can block their migrations.

Sayali Pawar, Research Fellow in GIS and Environmental Change, Swansea University • conversation
Aug. 6, 2020 ~6 min
