What is quantum entanglement? A physicist explains the science of Einstein’s ‘spooky action at a distance’

A multitude of experiments have shown the mysterious phenomena of quantum mechanics to be how the universe functions. The scientists behind these experiments won the 2022 Nobel Prize in physics.

Andreas Muller, Associate Professor of Physics, University of South Florida • conversation
Oct. 6, 2022 ~9 min

Curious Kids: what is exotic matter, and could we use it to make wormholes?

Strangely behaving matter could one day explain some of the mysteries of space.

Carolyn Devereux, Senior Lecturer in Astrophysics, University of Hertfordshire • conversation
Sept. 12, 2022 ~5 min

Curious Kids: is it possible to see what is happening in distant solar systems now?

Albert Einstein might have the answer.

Jacco van Loon, Astronomer, Keele University • conversation
Aug. 2, 2022 ~5 min

‘The dawn of a new era in astronomy’

Harvard scientists discuss what the quest to image black holes could tell us about our universe.

Caitlin McDermott-Murphy • harvard
May 13, 2022 ~6 min

A small telescope past Saturn could solve some mysteries of the universe better than giant telescopes near Earth

Such a mission could be developed soon, allowing astrophysicists to take selfies of the solar system and use the Sun’s gravity as a lens to peer deep into space.

Michael Zemcov, Associate Professor of Physics, Rochester Institute of Technology • conversation
Nov. 1, 2021 ~9 min

Light from a black hole’s far side proves Einstein right

Researchers have detected, for the first time, light from the back side of a black hole. The finding fulfills a prediction from Einstein's work.

Taylor Kubota-Stanford • futurity
July 29, 2021 ~7 min

Why does gravity pull us down and not up?

Gravity is something every person on Earth intuitively understands: It is what keeps you on the ground. But how come gravity pulls down, rather than pushes up? Einstein came up with the answer.

Mario Borunda, Associate Professor of Physics, Oklahoma State University • conversation
July 26, 2021 ~5 min

Emmy Noether faced sexism and Nazism – 100 years later her contributions to ring theory still influence modern math

A century after publishing major papers in theoretical mathematics, German-born Emmy Noether continues to challenge and inspire mathematicians with her story and mathematical legacy.

Tamar Lichter Blanks, PhD Candidate in Mathematics, Rutgers University • conversation
July 15, 2021 ~9 min

Warp drives: Physicists give chances of faster–than–light space travel a boost

If humanity wants to travel between stars, people are going to need to travel faster than light. New research suggests that it might be possible to build warp drives and beat the galactic speed limit.

Mario Borunda, Associate Professor of Physics, Oklahoma State University • conversation
April 23, 2021 ~8 min

Einsteinium: 100 years after Einstein's Nobel Prize, researchers reveal chemical secrets of element that bears his name

The element was discovered in the fallout of a thermonuclear blast.

Robert A Jackson, Reader, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Keele University • conversation
Feb. 3, 2021 ~7 min
