Power outages across the Plains: 4 questions answered about weather-driven blackouts

Heat waves, droughts and deep freezes can all strain the electric grid, leading utilities to impose rolling blackouts. Climate change is likely to make these events more common.

Michael E. Webber, Josey Centennial Professor of Energy Resources, University of Texas at Austin • conversation
Feb. 16, 2021 ~9 min

Delinquent electric bills from the pandemic are coming due – who will pay them?

Many Americans have been unable to pay their electric bills during the COVID-19 pandemic, racking up billions of dollars in delinquent bills. Where will the money come from?

Theodore J. Kury, Director of Energy Studies, University of Florida • conversation
Nov. 6, 2020 ~9 min

Energy is a basic need, and many Americans are struggling to afford it in the COVID-19 recession

Many Americans had trouble paying their energy bills before COVID-19, and the current recession is making the problem worse.

David Konisky, Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University • conversation
July 30, 2020 ~8 min

'Renewable' natural gas may sound green, but it's not an antidote for climate change

Energy companies are marketing a new fuel: 'renewable' natural gas. But it's not the same from a climate change perspective as wind or solar energy.

Emily Grubert, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology • conversation
July 6, 2020 ~9 min
