When will the COVID-19 pandemic end? 4 essential reads on past pandemics and what the future could bring

None of our authors can see the future, but many do have expertise that offers insights about what’s reasonable to expect.

Maggie Villiger, Senior Science + Technology Editor • conversation
Jan. 26, 2022 ~7 min

Microsoft purchase of Activision Blizzard won't clean up gamer culture overnight: 5 essential reads about sexual harassment and discrimination in gaming and tech

Sexual harassment and discrimination in gaming and tech are not inevitable or permanent, write experts in the field. The solutions are positive community standards and women in power.

Eric Smalley, Science + Technology Editor • conversation
Jan. 18, 2022 ~10 min

2021’s biggest climate and weather disasters cost the U.S. $145 billion – here's what climate science says about them in 5 essential reads

Devastating wildfires, the Texas freeze and a hurricane that wreaked havoc from Louisiana to New York City topped NOAA’s list of billion-dollar disasters in 2021. (CHECK LIST)

Stacy Morford, Environment + Climate Editor • conversation
Jan. 10, 2022 ~10 min

Facebook became Meta – and the company's dangerous behavior came into sharp focus in 2021: 4 essential reads

Meta felt the heat in 2021 as whistleblower revelations, congressional ire and demands for data knocked the company back on its heels. Here’s a look at research into the problems Meta poses for society.

Eric Smalley, Science + Technology Editor • conversation
Dec. 20, 2021 ~8 min

How vulnerable is your personal information? 4 essential reads

Data breaches have become a fact of life. Here are articles from The Conversation that detail the threat, why it happens and what you can do to protect yourself.

Eric Smalley, Science + Technology Editor • conversation
Nov. 29, 2021 ~7 min

Bridges, bike lanes, electric car chargers and more: 5 essential reads on the infrastructure bill

What will the US$1.2 trillion infrastructure bill pay for? Here are some of the things it will help build, fix or remove.

Jennifer Weeks, Senior Environment + Energy Editor, The Conversation • conversation
Nov. 8, 2021 ~7 min

Hurricane Ida: 4 essential reads about New Orleans' high hurricane risk and what climate change has to do with the storms

The New Orleans region is likely to see a hurricane about every seven years and a major hurricane about every 20.

Stacy Morford, Environment + Climate Editor • conversation
Aug. 30, 2021 ~8 min

Bipartisan infrastructure deal begins to address consequences of a warming planet: 3 essential reads

A bipartisan group of senators said it reached a deal on $550 billion in new spending on infrastructure.

Stacy Morford, Environment and Climate Editor • conversation
July 28, 2021 ~7 min

Transgender medicine – what care looks like, who seeks it out and what's still unknown: 3 essential reads

Across the US, politicians, activists and transgender people are fighting over the right to access transgender medical care. Rarely is the care itself actually discussed. This is that discussion.

Daniel Merino, Assistant Editor: Science, Health, Environment; Co-Host: The Conversation Weekly Podcast • conversation
June 23, 2021 ~10 min

How do mRNA vaccines work – and why do you need a second dose? 5 essential reads

So far, most vaccines in the US are mRNA vaccines. These represent a new technology and are likely to take over the vaccine world. But how do they work? What are their weaknesses? Five experts explain.

Daniel Merino, Assistant Editor: Science, Health, Environment; Co-Host: The Conversation Weekly Podcast • conversation
March 16, 2021 ~6 min
