New US climate pledge: Cut emissions 50% this decade, but can Biden make it happen?

Two energy and climate policy experts took a closer look at the Leaders Summit on Climate, the US pledge and today's industrial reality.

David Victor, Professor of International Relations, University of California San Diego • conversation
April 22, 2021 ~10 min

How should the British countryside look post-Brexit? We asked the public

A new survey serves up a tall order for UK agricultural policy outside the EU.

Niki Rust, Environmental Social Scientist, Newcastle University • conversation
April 14, 2021 ~5 min

The EU wants a carbon tax on imports – but would it be the climate solution officials expect?

It's meant to stop something known as 'carbon leakage,' but the solution has economic, legal and environmental consequences.

Timothy Hamilton, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Richmond • conversation
April 13, 2021 ~7 min

How Scottish Gaelic is helping protect Scotland's seas

Around 75% of fishermen in the Outer Hebrides speak Gaelic. Their daily use of the language at work helps keep it alive.

Alastair Cole, Lecturer in Film Practice, Newcastle University • conversation
March 5, 2021 ~8 min

EU subsidies benefit big farms while underfunding greener and poorer plots – new research

The €24 billion spent supporting farm incomes in richer regions could more than cover the EU's Biodiversity Strategy.

Mark Brady, Associate Professor in Agricultural and Environmental Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences • conversation
Aug. 21, 2020 ~7 min

UK science thrives on international collaboration but faces an uncertain future

We can’t tackle the huge global challenges we face in isolation – scientists must be able to work together across borders.

Alice Roberts, Professor of Public Engagement in Science, University of Birmingham • conversation
July 24, 2020 ~8 min

The battle against disinformation is global

A scholar who has reviewed the efforts of nations around the world to protect their citizens from foreign interference says there is no magic solution, but there's plenty to learn and do.

Scott Shackelford, Associate Professor of Business Law and Ethics; Director, Ostrom Workshop Program on Cybersecurity and Internet Governance; Cybersecurity Program Chair, IU-Bloomington, Indiana University • conversation
March 20, 2020 ~10 min

Brexit: the three transition options open to the UK

Will the UK agree to an extended transition period, keeping it bound by EU rules for longer after exiting the EU? Here, Professor Kenneth Armstrong outlines three “potential models” to extend the transition period, as explored in his new research paper published today.

Kenneth Armstrong • cambridge
Oct. 25, 2018 ~5 min
