What the extreme fire seasons of 1910 and 2020 – and 2,500 years of forest history – tell us about the future of wildfires in the West

As the climate warms, devastating fires are increasingly likely. The 2020 fires pushed the Southern Rockies beyond the historical average. Is there hope for the Northern Rockies?

Philip Higuera, Professor of Fire Ecology, University of Montana • conversation
Oct. 17, 2023 ~10 min

Lithium-ion battery fires are a growing public safety concern − here's how to reduce the risk

Lithium-ion batteries power many electric cars, bikes and scooters. When they are damaged or overheated, they can ignite or explode. Four engineers explain how to handle these devices safely.

Morteza Sabet, Research Assistant Professor of Automotive Engineering, Clemson University • conversation
Sept. 26, 2023 ~10 min

Wildfire risk is soaring for low-income, elderly and other vulnerable populations in California, Washington and Oregon

Alarmingly, about half the people exposed to wildfires in Washington and Oregon were those least able to afford to protect their homes, evacuate safely and recover.

John Abatzoglou, Professor of Engineering, University of California, Merced • conversation
Sept. 20, 2023 ~7 min

Why invasive ants are a silent threat to our ecosystems

Invasive ants are a major threat to biodiversity, according to a study.

Maximillian Tercel, PhD candidate, Cardiff University • conversation
Sept. 19, 2023 ~6 min

Shutting off power to reduce wildfire risk on windy days isn’t a simple decision – an energy expert explains the trade-offs electric utilities face

Losing power also has real consequences for people’s businesses, livelihoods and potentially their health and safety.

Tim C. Lieuwen, Executive Director of the Strategic Energy Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology • conversation
Aug. 28, 2023 ~7 min

Living with wildfire: How to protect more homes as fire risk rises in a warming climate

Adapting to our fiery future means preparing for the risks and not putting out every low-risk wildfire, writes the author of a new book on learning to live with fire.

Justin Angle, Professor of Marketing, University of Montana • conversation
Aug. 22, 2023 ~10 min

Want to help Maui's animals after the wildfires? Send cash, not kibble

Animal shelters and other organizations that support pets and their owners after disasters will still need help months after the media has moved on.

Sarah DeYoung, Disaster Researcher and Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice, University of Delaware • conversation
Aug. 21, 2023 ~10 min

Identifying fire victims through DNA analysis can be challenging − a geneticist explains what forensics is learning from archaeology

Maui officials have asked relatives to provide DNA samples to help identify victims of the Lahaina wildfires. Time and exposure to the elements, however, can make DNA retrieval from remains difficult.

Anne Stone, Professor of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University • conversation
Aug. 18, 2023 ~9 min

Hawaii's climate future: Dry regions get drier with global warming, increasing fire risk

Projections for Hawaii’s climate future are raising concerns about fire risk, ecosystems and freshwater supplies for homes and agriculture.

Kevin Hamilton, Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hawaii • conversation
Aug. 16, 2023 ~8 min

Hawaii's climate future: Dry regions get drier with global warming, increasing fire risk − while wet areas get wetter

Projections for Hawaii’s climate future are raising concerns about fire risk, ecosystems and freshwater supplies for homes and agriculture.

Kevin Hamilton, Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hawaii • conversation
Aug. 16, 2023 ~8 min
