Could wild grape genes outdo plant pathogen?

Xylella fastidiosa infects crops such as grapes, coffee, almonds, citrus, and olives. Could genes from wild grape plants hold a solution?

Ethan Perez-UC Irvine • futurity
June 22, 2023 ~4 min

Grapes Grown in Smoky Air Used in New Vodka

VOA Learning English • voa
Dec. 12, 2021 ~2 min

Wine making waste could have a health-boosting second life

The leftovers from making wine out of grapes have been considered useless. New research shows they may be a valuable source of health-enhancing compounds.

Diane Nelson-UC Davis • futurity
April 26, 2021 ~5 min

Wine grapes from hot places save water to cope

Water-conserving traits in wine grapes from warm, dry places may help traditional varieties from cooler regions cope with climate change.

Amy Quinton-UC Davis • futurity
Dec. 18, 2020 ~5 min

Grape genes may explain differences in wine taste

A surprising genetic diversity may help explain why Chardonnay has a different flavor, aroma, and color, than other varietals.

Tom Vasich-UC Irvine • futurity
Sept. 10, 2019 ~3 min

A.I. sniffs out smoke damage in vineyards

"…with a relatively small investment and the right software models based on machine learning, winemakers could have a solution to smoke taint in their pocket."

U. Melbourne • futurity
Aug. 29, 2019 ~7 min
