The rules of the game

Rising superpowers like China are “cautious opportunists” in global institutions, and the U.S. should avoid overreaction, PhD student Raymond Wang argues.

Leda Zimmerman | Department of Political Science • mit
today ~10 min

Scientists Study Why Bird Flu Kills Some Animals, Not Others

VOA Learning English • voa
June 27, 2024 ~4 min

Fotini Christia named director of the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society

Known for building connections between the social sciences, data science, and computation, the political science professor will lead IDSS into its next chapter.

MIT Schwarzman College of Computing • mit
June 27, 2024 ~5 min

Lucy, discovered 50 years ago in Ethiopia, stood just 3.5 feet tall − but she still towers over our understanding of human origins

A photo of Lucy’s reconstructed skeleton next to a live four-year-old girl shows how human Lucy was – and how small.

Denise Su, Associate Professor of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University • conversation
June 27, 2024 ~4 min

The unexpected origins of a modern finance tool

Discounting calculations are ubiquitous today — thanks partly to the English clergy who spread them amid turmoil in the 1600s, an MIT scholar shows.

Peter Dizikes | MIT News • mit
June 6, 2024 ~9 min

Exotic black holes could be a byproduct of dark matter

In the first quintillionth of a second, the universe may have sprouted microscopic black holes with enormous amounts of nuclear charge, MIT physicists propose.

Jennifer Chu | MIT News • mit
June 6, 2024 ~8 min

Mouth-based touchpad enables people living with paralysis to interact with computers

The startup Augmental allows users to operate phones and other devices using their tongue, mouth, and head gestures.

Zach Winn | MIT News • mit
June 5, 2024 ~8 min

All in the family

New studies show that caste and ethnic identity play an outsize role in how business interacts with government in developing countries.

Leda Zimmerman | Department of Political Science • mit
June 4, 2024 ~9 min

A modest intervention that helps low-income families beat the poverty trap

Letting people work with a “navigator” dramatically increases how often they move to higher-opportunity neighborhoods.

Peter Dizikes | MIT News • mit
May 28, 2024 ~10 min

In international relations, it’s the message, not the medium

Research surveys show warnings issued by world leaders are taken equally seriously whether issued on social media or through formal statements.

Peter Dizikes | MIT News • mit
May 28, 2024 ~6 min
