State restrictions risk health of postpartum immigrants

"Immigrants in states with public insurance restrictions for postpartum immigrants are less likely to receive postpartum care."

Robert Polner-NYU • futurity
July 20, 2023 ~7 min

Migrants often can't access US health care until they are critically ill – here are some of the barriers they face

More than 11 million migrants who lack papers live in the United States, and many of them are ineligible for health coverage.

Anthony Jimenez, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Rochester Institute of Technology • conversation
June 23, 2023 ~10 min

What does ending the emergency status of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US mean in practice? 4 questions answered

The emergency status allowed the federal government to cut through a mountain of red tape, with the goal of responding to the pandemic more efficiently.

Amy Lauren Fairchild, Dean and Professor of Public Health, The Ohio State University • conversation
May 10, 2023 ~11 min

Deportation risk hasn’t been the same for all undocumented Mexican immigrants

In the US, undocumented Mexican men who are young, single, and less educated have the highest risk for deportation, no matter the political climate.

Carol Clark-Emory • futurity
Feb. 24, 2023 ~7 min

There’s ‘clear evidence’ of bias in past US state spending

New research shows a direct link between constituent race, class, and immigration status and US state spending between 1921 and 1961.

Sandra Knispel-U. Rochester • futurity
Feb. 21, 2023 ~7 min

Postcards record costs of undocumented life

"Immigrants are often treated and talked about as a cost, a burden on the United States. But... what are the costs to them and their lives?"

Carrie Spector-Stanford • futurity
Jan. 25, 2023 ~9 min

Mexican immigrant experience varies by skin tone

Mexican immigrants with darker skin tones report more discrimination from US-born whites, a study in two cities finds.

Tufts University • futurity
Jan. 24, 2023 ~7 min

New passport rankings show that the world is opening up – but not for everyone

A passport from the United Arab Emirates will get you into far more destinations than one from Afghanistan. Gaps like this have big implications for people’s ability to travel, reside and work.

Patrick Bixby, Associate Professor of English, Arizona State University • conversation
Jan. 24, 2023 ~10 min

Indian American teens: Discrimination started early

Interviews with Indian American teens reveal that discrimination against them began as early as preschool.

Texas A&M University • futurity
Dec. 20, 2022 ~5 min

Book: Views on immigration haven’t been so polarized

Has immigration to the United States ever been more contentious or partisan? A new book explores the history.

James Devitt-NYU • futurity
Nov. 29, 2022 ~10 min
