Researchers create “The Consensus Game” to elevate AI’s text comprehension and generation skills

MIT CSAIL researchers are using ideas from game theory to improve the reliability of language generation in language models.

Rachel Gordon | MIT CSAIL • mit
March 29, 2024 ~8 min

Reasoning and reliability in AI

PhD students interning with the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab look to improve natural language usage.

Lauren Hinkel | MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab • mit
Jan. 18, 2024 ~9 min

Leveraging language to understand machines

Master's students Irene Terpstra ’23 and Rujul Gandhi ’22 use language to design new integrated circuits and make it understandable to robots.

Lauren Hinkel | MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab • mit
Dec. 22, 2023 ~7 min

Using language to give robots a better grasp of an open-ended world

By blending 2D images with foundation models to build 3D feature fields, a new MIT method helps robots understand and manipulate nearby objects with open-ended language prompts.

Alex Shipps | MIT CSAIL • mit
Nov. 2, 2023 ~9 min

MIT researchers make language models scalable self-learners

The scientists used a natural language-based logical inference dataset to create smaller language models that outperformed much larger counterparts.

Rachel Gordon | MIT CSAIL • mit
June 8, 2023 ~8 min

New insights into training dynamics of deep classifiers

MIT researchers uncover the structural properties and dynamics of deep classifiers, offering novel explanations for optimization, generalization, and approximation in deep networks.

Center for Brains, Minds and Machines • mit
March 8, 2023 ~6 min

Large language models are biased. Can logic help save them?

MIT researchers trained logic-aware language models to reduce harmful stereotypes like gender and racial biases.

Rachel Gordon | MIT CSAIL • mit
March 3, 2023 ~7 min

Cognitive scientists develop new model explaining difficulty in language comprehension

Built on recent advances in machine learning, the model predicts how well individuals will produce and comprehend sentences.

Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences • mit
Dec. 22, 2022 ~10 min

This is your brain. This is your brain on code

MIT researchers are discovering which parts of the brain are engaged when a person evaluates a computer program.

Steve Nadis | MIT CSAIL • mit
Dec. 21, 2022 ~9 min

Large language models help decipher clinical notes

Researchers used a powerful deep-learning model to extract important data from electronic health records that could assist with personalized medicine.

Rachel Gordon | MIT CSAIL • mit
Dec. 1, 2022 ~9 min
