Does entitlement make you more likely to cheat? New research challenges popular psychology idea

People who have a strong sense of fairness are less likely to cheat.

Marta Mangiarulo, Teaching Fellow, Research Assistant, School of Psychology, University of Leicester • conversation
Aug. 16, 2022 ~7 min

The idea that power poses boost your confidence fell from favor – but a new review of the research calls for a second look

For a while it was all the rage to adopt Wonder Woman’s famous stance and other body positions that allegedly pumped up your confidence – until more studies of the phenomenon failed to find the connection.

Brad Bushman, Professor of Communication and Rinehart Chair of Mass Communication, The Ohio State University • conversation
May 12, 2022 ~8 min

Did male and female dinosaurs differ? A new statistical technique is helping answer the question

The lack of large numbers of fossils makes it hard to study sexual dimorphism in dinosaurs. But a new statistical approach offers insight into this question and others across science.

Evan Thomas Saitta, Postdoctoral Scholar in Paleontology, University of Chicago • conversation
Feb. 1, 2022 ~10 min

Remdesivir explained – what makes this drug work against viruses?

Gilead's drug Remdesivir showed preliminary positive results in clinical trials. But what is this drug and how, exactly, does it work?

Katherine Seley-Radtke, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and President-Elect of the International Society for Antiviral Research, University of Maryland, Baltimore County • conversation
May 6, 2020 ~10 min
