Living with wildfire: How to protect more homes as fire risk rises in a warming climate

Adapting to our fiery future means preparing for the risks and not putting out every low-risk wildfire, writes the author of a new book on learning to live with fire.

Justin Angle, Professor of Marketing, University of Montana • conversation
Aug. 22, 2023 ~10 min

Why beaver-like dams can protect communities from flooding – new research

A new study shows that river barriers, similar to those built by beavers, can protect areas at risk of flooding by storing water upstream.

Valentine Muhawenimana, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Environmental Engineering, Cardiff University • conversation
Aug. 21, 2023 ~7 min

Hawaii's climate future: Dry regions get drier with global warming, increasing fire risk

Projections for Hawaii’s climate future are raising concerns about fire risk, ecosystems and freshwater supplies for homes and agriculture.

Kevin Hamilton, Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hawaii • conversation
Aug. 16, 2023 ~8 min

Hawaii's climate future: Dry regions get drier with global warming, increasing fire risk − while wet areas get wetter

Projections for Hawaii’s climate future are raising concerns about fire risk, ecosystems and freshwater supplies for homes and agriculture.

Kevin Hamilton, Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hawaii • conversation
Aug. 16, 2023 ~8 min

After Maui fires, human health risks linger in the air, water and even surviving buildings

Maui County issued an ‘unsafe water’ alert and urged precautions. Residents can face several toxic hazards from fires, as an expert in the chemical risks from fires explains.

Andrew J. Whelton, Professor of Civil, Environmental & Ecological Engineering, Director of the Healthy Plumbing Consortium and Center for Plumbing Safety, Purdue University • conversation
Aug. 12, 2023 ~8 min

Skin cancer screening guidelines can seem confusing – three skin cancer researchers explain when to consider getting checked

Widespread screening for skin cancer may not be necessary, but it is important to understand the risks behind UV overexposure and to get checked early if you have concerns.

Tamara Terzian, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus • conversation
Aug. 11, 2023 ~11 min

How sure is sure? Incorporating human error into machine learning

Researchers are developing a way to incorporate one of the most human of characteristics – uncertainty – into machine learning systems.

Cambridge University News • cambridge
Aug. 10, 2023 ~6 min

Maui's deadly wildfires burn through Lahaina – it's a reminder of the growing risk to communities that once seemed safe

Human exposure to wildfires in the US more than doubled in the past two decades. A climate scientist looks at who is at risk and why.

Mojtaba Sadegh, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Boise State University • conversation
Aug. 9, 2023 ~6 min

Deadly wildfires burn across Maui – it's a reminder of the growing risk to communities that once seemed safe

Human exposure to wildfires in the US more than doubled in the past two decades. A climate scientist looks at who is at risk and why.

Mojtaba Sadegh, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Boise State University • conversation
Aug. 9, 2023 ~6 min

Maui wildfires burn through Lahaina – it's a reminder of the growing risk to communities that once seemed safe

Human exposure to wildfires in the US more than doubled in the past two decades. A climate scientist looked at who is at risk and why.

Mojtaba Sadegh, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Boise State University • conversation
Aug. 9, 2023 ~6 min
