International Space Station: how Nasa plans to destroy it – and the dangers involved

The plans to destroy a space station as large as the ISS have never been carried out before.

Heather Muir, PhD candidate in Computational Physics, University of Cambridge • conversation
Feb. 18, 2022 ~7 min

James Webb Space Telescope: how our launch of world's most complex observatory will rest on a nail-biting knife edge

It will be a nail-biting wait as scientists launch and deploy the most complex observatory ever built.

Piyal Samara-Ratna, Principal Engineer, University of Leicester • conversation
Dec. 20, 2021 ~9 min

A new era of spaceflight? Promising advances in rocket propulsion

Three private companies have recently been commissioned to develop nuclear fission thermal rockets for use in orbit around the Moon.

Ian Whittaker, Senior Lecturer in Physics, Nottingham Trent University • conversation
May 10, 2021 ~8 min

Mars: Perseverance rover set for nail-biting landing – here's the rocket science

Scientists preparing to land the Rosalind Franklin rover in a few years are nervously awaiting the landing of NASA's Perseverance rover.

Andrew Coates, Professor of Physics, Deputy Director (Solar System) at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL • conversation
Feb. 15, 2021 ~7 min

SpaceX Starship prototype exploded, but it's still a giant leap towards Mars

Starship's groundbreaking design will help it land safely on Mars one day.

Hugh Hunt, Reader in Engineering Dynamics and Vibration, University of Cambridge • conversation
Dec. 14, 2020 ~6 min

SpaceX: Crew Dragon is returning to Earth – here’s when to hold your breath

Extreme velocities and temperatures makes the return flight to Earth the most perilous part of a space mission.

Heather Muir, PhD in Computational Physics, University of Cambridge • conversation
July 30, 2020 ~6 min

SpaceX astronaut launch: here's the rocket science

To intercept the ISS, the capsule must match the station’s speed, altitude and inclination.

Ian Whittaker, Lecturer in Physics, Nottingham Trent University • conversation
May 27, 2020 ~6 min

SpaceX astronaut launch: here's the rocket science it must get right

To intercept the ISS, the capsule must match the station’s speed, altitude and inclination.

Ian Whittaker, Lecturer in Physics, Nottingham Trent University • conversation
May 27, 2020 ~6 min
