How did the moon turn itself inside out?

A new study offers important insights into the evolution of the moon's interior, and potentially for planets such as the Earth or Mars.

Daniel Stolte-Arizona • futurity
April 9, 2024 ~10 min

Tiny crystals capture millions of years of mountain range history – a geologist excavates the Himalayas with a microscope

Measuring the concentration of radioactive elements in a single, sand-size crystal reveals the growth of the Himalayan mountain range over time.

Matthew J. Kohn, Professor of Geosciences, Boise State University • conversation
April 9, 2024 ~5 min

What causes earthquakes in the Northeast, like the magnitude 4.8 that shook New Jersey? A geoscientist explains

The earthquake, one of New Jersey’s largest on record, could be felt from Maryland to Boston. But don’t read too much into it.

Gary Solar, Professor of Geosciences, Buffalo State, The State University of New York • conversation
April 5, 2024 ~4 min

How do crystals form?

There are a lot of myths about crystals − for example, that they are magical rocks with healing powers. An earth scientist explains some of their amazing true science.

Natalie Bursztyn, Lecturer in Geosciences, University of Montana • conversation
Nov. 20, 2023 ~7 min

Sea glass, a treasure formed from trash, is on the decline as single-use plastic takes over

Sea glass, while an eye-catching treasure and a multimillion-dollar industry, exists because of decades of improper waste management.

Lori Weeden, Teaching Professor of Environmental Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, UMass Lowell • conversation
Sept. 28, 2023 ~7 min

Rocks hint at when the first animals appeared on Earth

Pinpointing when animals first appeared on Earth is like finding a needle in a very old, planet-sized haystack. A new study narrows the search.

Jim Shelton-Yale • futurity
July 11, 2023 ~5 min

Erosion traps these fish for separate evolution

The erosion of layers of rock by rivers in the Appalachian Mountains generates biodiversity of freshwater fish species, a study suggests.

Mike Cummings-Yale • futurity
May 30, 2023 ~7 min

Why don't rocks burn?

Some rocks will burn, and others will melt, depending on how they were formed and what minerals they contain.

Natalie Bursztyn, Lecturer in Geosciences, University of Montana • conversation
May 15, 2023 ~6 min

Microbes engineer rock-to-life cycle

"Think of it as Earth's skin," says Jon Chorover of the critical zone. "It's sometimes termed the zone where rock meets life."

Rose Brandt-Arizona • futurity
Feb. 3, 2023 ~7 min

Why does nature create patterns? A physicist explains the molecular-level processes behind crystals, stripes and basalt columns

Nature begins forming patterns at the molecular level – and sometimes they grow to enormous sizes.

Maxim Lavrentovich, Assistant Professor of Theoretical Biophysics, University of Tennessee • conversation
Sept. 19, 2022 ~7 min
