Focus on right now, not the distant future, to stay motivated and on track to your long-term health goals

Long-term goals can be hard to stick to if the benefits are only way off in the future. Research suggests ways to focus on the here and now to help you ultimately achieve your more far-off targets.

Paul Stillman, Assistant Professor of Marketing, San Diego State University • conversation
Jan. 4, 2024 ~9 min

Yoga: Modern research shows a variety of benefits to both body and mind from the ancient practice

Yoga’s surge in popularity in the past decade has spurred more research into its effects. The combination of physical movement and mindfulness provides a wide range of health benefits.

Herpreet Thind, Associate Professor of Public Health, UMass Lowell • conversation
Jan. 24, 2023 ~8 min

Culture affects kids’ ability to delay gratification

There's a cultural component to delayed gratification, new researche with Japanese and American children indicates.

Karen Nikos-UC Davis • futurity
July 14, 2022 ~7 min

How much will we pay to avoid using self-control?

"In this study, we were able to determine the price people are willing to pay to eliminate the need for self-control..."

James Devitt-NYU • futurity
Aug. 27, 2021 ~5 min

How much will we pay to avoid using self-control?

"In this study, we were able to determine the price people are willing to pay to eliminate the need for self-control..."

James Devitt-NYU • futurity
Aug. 27, 2021 ~5 min

Clever cuttlefish show advanced self-control, like chimps and crows

A marine version of the Stanford marshmallow experiment helped show cuttlefish can delay gratification.

Alexandra Schnell, Research Fellow, Darwin College, University of Cambridge • conversation
March 3, 2021 ~7 min

Self-controlled kids tend to be healthier adults

Children who have higher levels of self-control appear to age more slowly than their peers at 45, according to a new study.

Karl Bates-Duke • futurity
Jan. 6, 2021 ~6 min

For a happy life, don’t forget hedonism

When it comes to living a happy life, a bit of hedonism may be just as important as keeping your eyes on your goals, researchers say.

U. Zurich • futurity
July 27, 2020 ~6 min

Working from home? Why detachment is crucial for mental health

Ten tips for lockdown from a specialist psychologist.

Wladislaw Rivkin, Lecturer in Work and Organisational Psychology, Aston University • conversation
May 5, 2020 ~6 min

To avoid tempting food, talk to yourself in the third person

It can be tough to avoid tempting food. Talking to yourself in the third person can help, new research suggests.

Jared Wadley-Michigan • futurity
March 23, 2020 ~3 min
