The science of why you can remember song lyrics from years ago

Music creates powerful memories and emotional connections in our brains.

Kelly Jakubowski, Associate Professor in Music Psychology, Durham University • conversation
Aug. 14, 2023 ~5 min

Song swap indicates humpback whales trade culture

Observations of song learning among humpback whales indicate "a level of 'cultural transmission' beyond any observed non-human species."

U. Queensland • futurity
July 1, 2022 ~4 min

‘Vocal Fitbit’ shows how hard Broadway singers work

New research using a “vocal Fitbit” quantifies the demands of today’s musical theater roles and empowers Broadway performers to protect their vocal health.

Sarah Binney-NYU • futurity
Feb. 14, 2022 ~15 min

Fine aerosols from talking and singing contain more viral particles

Fine aerosols generated from talking and singing contain more viral particles than coarse aerosols, research finds.

National University of Singapore • futurity
Aug. 23, 2021 ~8 min

Inner ear holds clues to how dinosaurs flew

The inner ear may clue paleontologist in on two particular phenomena: how dinosaurs interacted with each other and how they began to fly.

Jim Shelton-Yale • futurity
May 10, 2021 ~7 min

Algorithm can tell if zebra finch tunes are love songs

Male zebra finches sing the same phrases during courtship and non-courtship. We can't tell which is which but a new algorthm can—and female finches can too.

Frederique Mazerolle-McGill • futurity
April 23, 2021 ~4 min

Algorithm can tell if zebra finch tunes are love songs

Male zebra finches sing the same phrases during courtship and non-courtship. We can't tell which is which but a new algorthm can—and female finches can too.

Frederique Mazerolle-McGill • futurity
April 23, 2021 ~4 min

Gene loss gave songbirds the ‘pipes’ for singing

Researchers have mapped 363 genomes from 92.4% of all bird families on Earth. Their findings include insight into how songbirds got their voices.

Ida Eriksen-U. Copenhagen • futurity
Nov. 12, 2020 ~5 min

Birds sing better with some early morning practice

Just like humans, a little warm-up helps birds sing better, researchers say. That could explain why they start singing early in the morning.

Robin Smith-Duke • futurity
Aug. 21, 2020 ~5 min

Canary song ‘syntax’ reveals hidden brain states

Tiny, head-mounted microscopes provide a window into how short-term memory allows canaries to belt out complex, sentence-like songs.

Jim Barlow-Oregon • futurity
June 18, 2020 ~7 min
