Rooftop renewables risk making the rich richer, as latecomers will struggle to access the grid

Wealthier people are getting their solar panels connected first, leaving a more congested grid for everyone else.

Hannah Daly, Professor in Sustainable Energy, University College Cork • conversation
Aug. 31, 2023 ~8 min

Rising temperatures mean more air conditioning which means more electricity is needed – rooftop solar is a perfect fit

The sunniest days also see the biggest demand for air con.

Vahid Vahidinasab, Associate Professor of Power and Energy Systems, Nottingham Trent University • conversation
Aug. 18, 2023 ~5 min

We could soon be getting energy from solar power harvested in space

Solar panels in space could harness more of the Sun’s energy.

Matteo Ceriotti, Senior Lecturer in Space Systems Engineering, University of Glasgow • conversation
Aug. 14, 2023 ~8 min

Bats are avoiding solar farms and scientists aren’t sure why

New research has found that bats avoid solar farms – but the findings should not hinder the transition to renewable energy.

Gareth Jones, Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol • conversation
Aug. 9, 2023 ~7 min

Clean, sustainable fuels made ‘from thin air’ and plastic waste

Researchers have demonstrated how carbon dioxide can be captured from industrial processes – or even directly from the air – and transformed into clean,

Cambridge University News • cambridge
June 19, 2023 ~6 min

Driving on sunshine: clean, usable liquid fuels made from solar power

Researchers have developed a solar-powered technology that converts carbon dioxide and water into liquid fuels that can be added directly to a car’s engine as

Cambridge University News • cambridge
May 18, 2023 ~5 min

Perovskite: new type of solar technology paves the way for abundant, cheap and printable cells

A new generation of flexible solar cells has been pioneered using a material known as perovskite,

David Beynon, Senior Research Officer at the SPECIFIC Innovation and Knowledge Centre, Swansea University • conversation
May 2, 2023 ~6 min

Installing solar-powered refrigerators in developing countries is an effective way to reduce hunger and slow climate change

Many developing nations have little cold storage and lose much of their perishable food before it gets to markets. Climate-friendly refrigeration can provide huge environmental and social benefits.

Abay Yimere, Postdoctoral Scholar in International Environment and Resource Policy, Tufts University • conversation
Jan. 19, 2023 ~9 min

What long-term economic stagnation means for climate change

Decarbonisation is not impossible, but it will be difficult to achieve through capitalism.

Jack Copley, Assistant Professor in International Political Economy, Durham University • conversation
Oct. 28, 2022 ~7 min

Building something better: How community organizing helps people thrive in challenging times

Organizers across the US are finding innovative grassroots strategies for helping people thrive. Many of these ventures emphasize working together as part of communities and collective systems.

Meghan Elizabeth Kallman, Assistant Professor of International Development, UMass Boston • conversation
Sept. 8, 2022 ~10 min
