Stress is contagious in relationships – here's what you can do to support your partner and boost your own health during the holidays and beyond

Hostile partners can experience jumps in stress and blood pressure after an argument. But there are ways to cool conflicts, even during a pandemic holiday season.

Rosie Shrout, Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, Purdue University • conversation
Dec. 22, 2021 ~6 min

Pregnant women's brains show troubling signs of stress – but feeling strong social support can break those patterns

Fetal brains are changing rapidly over the course of pregnancy, but so are the brains of mothers-to-be. Neuroscience research shows one way worry can start taking hold – and a simple way to help.

Tristin Nyman, Ph.D. Student in Psychological & Brain Sciences, Texas A&M University • conversation
May 12, 2021 ~9 min

Unwanted weight gain or weight loss during the pandemic? Blame your stress hormones

It's been a stressful year, and for 61% of US adults, a year of unwanted weight change too. This isn't surprising, as stress, eating and motivation are all linked through hormones in the brain.

Lina Begdache, Assistant Professor of Nutrition, Binghamton University, State University of New York • conversation
April 2, 2021 ~6 min

Researchers discover how chronic stress leads to hair loss

A Harvard study has confirmed that stress can lead to hair loss.

Jessica Lau • harvard
March 31, 2021 ~8 min

With the help of trained dolphins, our team of researchers is building a specialized drone to help us study dolphins in the wild

Wild dolphins are fast, smart and hard to study, but it is important to understand how human actions affect their health. So we are building a drone to sample hormones from the blowholes of dolphins.

Jason Bruck, Teaching Assistant Professor of Integrative Biology, Oklahoma State University • conversation
July 1, 2020 ~9 min
