Why does nature create patterns? A physicist explains the molecular-level processes behind crystals, stripes and basalt columns

Nature begins forming patterns at the molecular level – and sometimes they grow to enormous sizes.

Maxim Lavrentovich, Assistant Professor of Theoretical Biophysics, University of Tennessee • conversation
Sept. 19, 2022 ~7 min

Why do tigers have stripes?

How do tigers – a top predator – successfully hunt their prey when they have bright orange fur? The secret's in their stripes!

Andrew Cushing, Assistant Professor in Zoological Medicine, University of Tennessee • conversation
Nov. 23, 2020 ~6 min

Diet pills linked with eating disorder diagnosis

Young women’s use of diet pills, laxatives for weight control linked with later eating disorder diagnosis.

Amy Roeder • harvard
Nov. 21, 2019 ~3 min
