Expert: Confederate monument facts defang ‘heritage’ claims

"...historical context makes it a lot harder to claim that these monuments and memorials are simply 'heritage,' innocent of any racial meaning."

Melissa De Witte-Stanford • futurity
July 17, 2020 ~10 min

More and more people may soon celebrate Juneteenth

"This misconception that the Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery, I think, comes from a misunderstanding of the Civil War." Juneteenth clarifies things.

Kyle Mittan-U. Arizona • futurity
June 19, 2020 ~11 min

Juneteenth history highlights long fight for Black freedom

"Black people on Juneteenth knew that masters and mistresses would not give them their freedom. They knew that they needed to make their own freedom."

Matt Shipman-NC State • futurity
June 17, 2020 ~6 min

Juneteenth highlights the long fight for Black freedom

"Black people on Juneteenth knew that masters and mistresses would not give them their freedom. They knew that they needed to make their own freedom."

Matt Shipman-NC State • futurity
June 17, 2020 ~6 min

African Americans forged free lives in Civil War refugee camps

Civil War refugee camps, where many African Americans lived just before the end of slavery, show "how African Americans made and lived out freedom on their own terms."

Lawrence Goodman-Brandeis • futurity
Feb. 19, 2020 ~12 min

3 plants from U.S. Civil War medical guide fight infection

A 1863 guide for battlefield surgeons reveals plants with antiseptic effects. Could they help fight drug-resistant infections today?

Carol Clark-Emory • futurity
May 28, 2019 ~8 min
