Drinking during holidays and special occasions could affect how you parent your kids

Even parents who don’t drink much throughout the year may have a few extra eggnogs at a Christmas party or beers while watching the Super Bowl. And that has implications for how they treat their kids.

Bridget Freisthler, Professor of Social Work, The Ohio State University • conversation
Dec. 13, 2023 ~7 min

For decades, mothers have borne the brunt of scrutiny for alcohol use during pregnancy − new research points to dad's drinking as a significant factor in fetal alcohol syndrome

Public health messaging has focused on the drinking habits of the mother during pregnancy. But a growing body of research shows that what dad is drinking before pregnancy matters too.

Michael Golding, Professor of Physiology, Texas A&M University • conversation
Nov. 15, 2023 ~10 min

As suicides rise in the US, the 988 hotline offers hope – but most Americans aren't aware of it

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is for anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts, emotional distress, substance abuse issues or mental health problems.

Emmy Betz, Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus • conversation
July 28, 2023 ~7 min

Is drinking good for you in any way? If not, why is alcohol legal for adults?

Consuming alcohol makes accidents more likely and it can harm your heart, your liver and even change your brain. But making the sale of beer, wine and hard liquor illegal flopped.

Margie Skeer, Associate Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine; Weiner Hailey Family Professor, Tufts University • conversation
Aug. 9, 2021 ~6 min

Brewing Mesopotamian beer brings a sip of this vibrant ancient drinking culture back to life

Beer was extremely popular in ancient Mesopotamia. Sipped through straws, it differed from today’s beer and was enjoyed by people from all walks of life.

Tate Paulette, Assistant Professor of History, North Carolina State University • conversation
Aug. 24, 2020 ~8 min
