Fermented foods sustain both microbiomes and cultural heritage

From kimchi to kombucha and sauerkraut to sourdough, many traditional food staples across cultures make use of fermentation. And these variations are reflected in your microbiome.

Joseph Orkin, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Université de Montréal • conversation
April 17, 2024 ~8 min

What's the point of giving gifts? An anthropologist explains this ancient part of being human

Presents are about giving, receiving and reciprocating, and how this cycle strengthens relationships.

Chip Colwell, Associate Research Professor of Anthropology, University of Colorado Denver • conversation
Dec. 12, 2023 ~7 min

Forensic anthropologists work to identify human skeletal remains and uncover the stories of the unknown dead

Forensic anthropologists are specialized scientists who analyze the skeletal remains of the recently deceased to help authorities figure out who the person was and what happened to them.

Katherine Weisensee, Professor of Anthropology, Clemson University • conversation
Nov. 22, 2023 ~9 min

Forget ‘Man the Hunter’ – physiological and archaeological evidence rewrites assumptions about a gendered division of labor in prehistoric times

Female bodies have an advantage in endurance ability that means Paleolithic women likely hunted game, not just gathered plants. The story is written in living and ancient human bodies.

Cara Ocobock, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Notre Dame • conversation
Nov. 17, 2023 ~12 min

English dialects make themselves heard in genes

People with a common history – often due to significant geographic or social barriers – often share genetics and language. New research finds that even a dialect can act as a barrier within a group.

Nicole Creanza, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, Vanderbilt University • conversation
June 28, 2023 ~9 min

'From Magic Mushrooms to Big Pharma' – a college course explores nature's medicine cabinet and different ways of healing

An anthropology course explores how peoples and cultures around the world use nature-based medicines to heal.

Heather McIlvaine-Newsad, Professor of Anthropology, Western Illinois University • conversation
June 9, 2023 ~6 min

Thriving in the face of adversity: Resilient gorillas reveal clues about overcoming childhood misfortune

In many animals, including humans, adverse events in youth have lasting negative health effects over the life span. But new research suggests something different is going on in mountain gorillas.

Robin Morrison, Postdoctoral Fellow in Animal Behavior, University of Exeter • conversation
May 15, 2023 ~9 min

Enigmatic human fossil jawbone may be evidence of an early *Homo sapiens* presence in Europe – and adds mystery about who those humans were

Scientists had figured a fossil found in Spain more than a century ago was from a Neandertal. But a new analysis suggests it could be from a lost lineage of our species, Homo sapiens.

Rolf Quam, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Binghamton University, State University of New York • conversation
May 2, 2023 ~12 min

Women work harder than men – our anthropological study reveals why

Men in rural China spend more time in leisure or social activities, or just hanging around and resting.

Ruth Mace, Professor of Anthropology, UCL • conversation
Jan. 9, 2023 ~7 min

What’s next for ancient DNA studies after Nobel Prize honors groundbreaking field of paleogenomics

Thousands of ancient genomes have been sequenced to date. A Nobel Prize highlights tremendous opportunities for aDNA, as well as challenges related to rapid growth, equity and misinformation.

Mary Prendergast, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Rice University • conversation
Oct. 4, 2022 ~8 min
