Why do bees have queens? 2 biologists explain this insect’s social structure – and why some bees don’t have a queen at all

A queen’s main job in the hive is to lay eggs and pass genes on to offspring. But many bee species do just fine without queens or big colonies.

Aviva Liebert, Professor of Biology, Framingham State University • conversation
March 4, 2024 ~7 min

Nearly 20% of the cultural differences between societies boil down to ecological factors – new research

A number of theories try to explain how cultural differences come to be. A new study quantifies how such factors as resource abundance, population density and infectious disease risk can contribute.

Michael Varnum, Associate Professor of Psychology, Arizona State University • conversation
June 6, 2023 ~7 min

Honey bees can't practice social distancing, so they stay healthy in close quarters by working together

Life in a honey bee hive is all about cooperating for the collective good.

Phil Starks, Associate Professor of Biology, Tufts University • conversation
Aug. 14, 2020 ~9 min
