Domestic violence survivors seek homeless services from a system that often leaves them homeless

Programs and policies to help domestic abuse survivors find safe housing work only if they’re implemented and supported with resources.

Lauren Cattaneo, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, George Mason University • conversation
April 11, 2024 ~10 min

Why do some men commit domestic violence? Trauma and social isolation may play a role

Childhood adversity can put people at risk of perpetrating domestic violence in the future. Having a supportive social network and learning ways to regulate the stress response, however, can help.

Laura Voith, Associate Professor of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University • conversation
Dec. 19, 2023 ~9 min

Gun violence soared during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study finds – but the reasons why are complex

The pandemic brought about a sharp rise in mental health concerns, deep unemployment and an unprecedented amount of social isolation – a potentially deadly combination alongside rising gun sales.

Jennifer McCall-Hosenfeld, Associate Professor of Medicine, Penn State • conversation
Nov. 16, 2021 ~4 min

Domestic violence 911 calls increased during lockdown, but official police reports and arrests declined

A change in how witnesses, victims and authorities respond to domestic violence reports paired with limited social services placed victims in a vulnerable position during the pandemic.

Jillian B. Carr, Assistant Professor of Economics, Purdue University • conversation
July 27, 2021 ~7 min

Intimate partner violence has increased during pandemic, emerging evidence suggests

Calls for help to domestic violence shelters have risen during the pandemic, as risk factors for the escalation of violence have gone up. It may be time to implement new strategies to help.

H. Colleen Sinclair, Associate Professor of Social Psychology, Mississippi State University • conversation
Dec. 4, 2020 ~6 min

We're measuring online conversation to track the social and mental health issues surfacing during the coronavirus pandemic

America's news reports and social media chatter open a window into the nation's psyche. An AI-based text analysis of these words shows that the coronavirus is driving up familiar social ills.

Amit Sheth, Founding Director, Artificial Intelligence Institute, University of South Carolina • conversation
April 20, 2020 ~6 min
