Friendship research is getting an update – and that's key for dealing with the loneliness epidemic

Psychology researchers have focused on the idea that people form friendships with those who are similar, familiar and nearby. But how do individual people pick those who will become their friends?

Jessica D. Ayers, Assistant Professor of Psychological Science, Boise State University • conversation
Nov. 1, 2023 ~9 min

Wild chimpanzees and gorillas can form long friendly associations that last decades – new research

Friendships between these two very different primates likely outlasted your promise to be best buds forever with your school classmates.

Chris Young, Senior Lecturer in Evolution and Social Behaviour, Nottingham Trent University • conversation
Oct. 31, 2022 ~6 min

What happens to your life stories if you delete your Facebook account?

Many people are feeling the urge to quit Facebook. It’s not hard to do, technically speaking. It’s a good idea, however, to pause first and look back on your digital memories.

Michael Humphrey, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Media Communication, Colorado State University • conversation
Oct. 15, 2021 ~5 min

Teens are wired to resent being stuck with parents and cut off from friends during coronavirus lockdown

Together the social and emotional 'jobs' of adolescence – developing intimate friendships and achieving autonomy – make teens uniquely resistant to calls for social distancing.

Catherine Bagwell, Professor of Psychology, Oxford College, Emory University • conversation
April 22, 2020 ~7 min
