Honeybees cluster together when it’s cold – but we’ve been completely wrong about why

New research shows honeybee hive clusters are a sign of desperation, not insulation.

Derek Mitchell, PhD Candidate in Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds • conversation
Nov. 24, 2023 ~6 min

Goldenrod honey: misinformation is causing a biological invasion of this Canadian weed

Our study is the first to research the impact of online misinformation on biological invasions.

Johannes M H Knops, Professor & Head of Department Health and Environmental Sciences, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University • conversation
Dec. 23, 2020 ~8 min

Runny honey, furry spinach and shiny apples – some super surprising facts about your food

Three foods and some cool stuff you should know about them.

Joanna Buckley, Materials Chemist and Science Communicator, University of Sheffield • conversation
March 27, 2020 ~11 min

'Bee-washing' hurts bees and misleads consumers

'Bee-washing,' marketing claims that purport to help bees, can diminish the important distinction between a honey bee and native bee.

Lila Westreich, PhD Candidate, School of Environment and Forest Sciences, Seattle, Washington, University of Washington • conversation
Feb. 19, 2020 ~7 min
