Millions of years ago, the megalodon ruled the oceans – why did it disappear?

A terrifying sight in ancient waters, the megalodon shark was once the most feared creature in the sea.

Michael Heithaus, Executive Dean of the College of Arts, Sciences & Education and Professor of Biological Sciences, Florida International University • conversation
June 20, 2022 ~6 min

Before Shark Week and 'Jaws,' World War II spawned America's shark obsession

As part of the nation's massive wartime mobilization effort, millions of Americans, for the first time, traveled abroad – where many had their first encounters with the marine predators.

Janet M. Davis, University Distinguished Teaching Professor of American Studies, The University of Texas at Austin College of Liberal Arts • conversation
July 9, 2021 ~10 min

Giant 'toothed' birds flew over Antarctica 40 million to 50 million years ago

Paleontologists have discovered fossil remains belonging to an enormous 'toothed' bird that lived for a period of about 60 million years after dinosaurs.

Peter A. Kloess, Doctoral Candidate, Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley • conversation
Oct. 27, 2020 ~7 min
