When it comes to the rarest of diseases, the diagnosis isn't the answer – it's just the starting point

Deciphering the biological pathways behind rare genetic diseases often involves assembling a team of specialists to work closely with the family members of those affected.

Melissa Wasserstein, Professor of Pediatric Genetic Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine • conversation
April 20, 2022 ~10 min

Genomic sequencing: Here's how researchers identify omicron and other COVID-19 variants

DNA sequencing has allowed researchers to catch new COVID-19 variants hours after receiving the first positive test sample.

Crista Wadsworth, Assistant Professor in the Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology • conversation
Dec. 20, 2021 ~8 min

The COVID-19 virus can spread through the air – here's what it'll take to detect the airborne particles

Miniaturized laboratory equipment is making it easier to identify airborne pathogens in the field, but there's still work ahead to be able to instantly determine if a room is safe or contaminated.

Shantanu Sur, Associate Professor of Biology, Clarkson University • conversation
Aug. 14, 2020 ~9 min
