A global plastics treaty is being negotiated in Ottawa this week – here’s the latest

The treaty focuses on ending plastic pollution, not eliminating the use of plastics. But some countries are more ambitious than others.

Steve Fletcher, Professor of Ocean Policy and Economy, University of Portsmouth • conversation
April 22, 2024 ~8 min

Five hotspots where floating plastic litter poses the greatest risk to North Atlantic marine life – new study

As it travels around the ocean, plastic litter can harm wildlife and marine habitats in many ways. This study highlights five key hotspots where floating plastic poses the biggest risk.

Samantha Garrard, Senior Marine Ecosystem Services Researcher, Plymouth Marine Laboratory • conversation
March 6, 2024 ~7 min

The Anthropocene is not an epoch − but the age of humans is most definitely underway

Scientists have been debating the start of the Anthropocene Epoch for 15 years. I was part of those discussions, and I agree with the vote rejecting it.

Erle C. Ellis, Professor of Geography and Environmental Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County • conversation
March 5, 2024 ~7 min

Hermit crabs find new homes in plastic waste: shell shortage or clever choice?

Hermit crabs have been using plastic waste such as bottle tops as homes instead of empty snail shells.

Mark Briffa, Professor of Animal Behaviour, University of Plymouth • conversation
Feb. 1, 2024 ~7 min

Advertising toys to children is an environmental nightmare -- here's how parents can deal with it

Until the age of nine, children struggle to distinguish adverts from TV shows.

Michelle Cowley-Cunningham, Chartered Psychologist and Postdoctoral Researcher at the National Centre for Family Business, Dublin City University • conversation
Dec. 18, 2023 ~8 min

Real or artificial? A forestry scientist explains how to choose the most sustainable Christmas tree, no matter what it's made of

How many years you reuse a fake holiday tree matters. So does what happens to a live tree when you’ve packed up the ornaments.

Curtis VanderSchaaf, Assistant Professor of Forestry, Mississippi State University • conversation
Dec. 5, 2023 ~8 min

As plastic production grows, treaty negotiations to reduce plastic waste are stuck in low gear

A central question remains unresolved in the draft treaty: Is plastic pollution basically a waste management problem, or can it be solved only with a cap on production?

Sarah J. Morath, Professor of Law and Associate Dean for International Affairs, Wake Forest University • conversation
Nov. 30, 2023 ~10 min

Myths about plastic pollution are leading to public confusion: here's why

Media coverage of the dangers of plastic pollution can distract from what is actually needed, says an author.

Lesley Henderson, Chair professor, University of Strathclyde • conversation
Nov. 20, 2023 ~8 min

New class of recyclable polymer materials could one day help reduce single-use plastic waste

A team of scientists has developed a method for creating a new class of plastic materials that are potentially more recyclable than single-use plastics.

Emma Rettner, PhD Candidate in Materials Science and Engineering, Colorado State University • conversation
Oct. 19, 2023 ~7 min

Lego's ESG dilemma: Why an abandoned plan to use recycled plastic bottles is a wake-up call for supply chain sustainability

Corporate supply chains are riddled with high, uncounted emissions, as Lego discovered. New regulations mean more companies will face tough, sometimes surprising, choices.

Hau L. Lee, Professor of Operations, Information & Technology, Stanford University • conversation
Oct. 5, 2023 ~8 min
