Triple-digit heat in Siberia? 5 ways the extreme Arctic heat wave fits a disturbing pattern

The Arctic is warming about twice as fast as the planet as a whole, with serious consequences. Scientists have been warning about this for decades.

Mark Serreze, Research Professor of Geography and Director, National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado Boulder • conversation
June 25, 2020 ~7 min

Siberia heat wave: why the Arctic is warming so much faster than the rest of the world

Models have predicted for some time that with every degree of global warming, the Arctic will see double or more.

Jonathan Bamber, Professor of Physical Geography, University of Bristol • conversation
June 25, 2020 ~5 min

Arctic climate change – it's recent carbon emissions we should fear, not ancient methane 'time bombs'

The wet and low-lying East Siberian Arctic is likely to be a major methane source in the coming decades.

Joshua Dean, Lecturer in Biogeochemical Cycles, University of Liverpool • conversation
April 2, 2020 ~5 min
