Space law hasn't been changed since 1967 – but the UN aims to update laws and keep space peaceful

Human activities in space today are far more numerous and complicated compared to the 1967. Two experts explain the need for better laws to keep space peaceful.

Greg Autry, Clinical Professor of Space Leadership, Policy and Business, Arizona State University • conversation
Nov. 23, 2021 ~8 min

Scientists suggest US embassies were hit with high-power microwaves – here's how the weapons work

High-power microwave weapons are useful for disabling electronics. They might also be behind the ailments suffered by US diplomats and CIA agents in Cuba and China.

Edl Schamiloglu, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Associate Dean for Research and Innovation, School of Engineering, University of New Mexico, University of New Mexico • conversation
Dec. 10, 2020 ~8 min

Disinformation campaigns are murky blends of truth, lies and sincere beliefs – lessons from the pandemic

Many people who participate in disinformation campaigns are unwitting accomplices and much of the information they spread is accurate, which makes it all the harder to identify the campaigns.

Kate Starbird, Associate Professor of Human Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington • conversation
July 23, 2020 ~10 min
