A universal influenza vaccine may be one step closer, bringing long-lasting protection against flu

You need a new shot every year because current flu vaccines provide limited and temporary protection. But researchers' new strategy could mean a one-and-done influenza vaccine is on the way.

Patricia L. Foster, Professor Emerita of Biology, Indiana University • conversation
Jan. 27, 2021 ~10 min

How and when will we know that a COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective?

Several vaccines are in Phase 3 trials. So when will we know whether any of these will protect against COVID-19?

William Petri, Professor of Medicine, University of Virginia • conversation
Sept. 22, 2020 ~10 min

Coronavirus vaccine: here are the steps it will need to go through during development

Researchers around the world are working hard on developing a vaccine – but the process may still take 12-18 months. Here's why.

Tonia Thomas, Vaccine Knowledge Project Manager • conversation
March 30, 2020 ~7 min
