In a battle of AI versus AI, researchers are preparing for the coming wave of deepfake propaganda

Fake videos generated with sophisticated AI tools are a looming threat. Researchers are racing to build tools that can detect them, tools that are crucial for journalists to counter disinformation.

Matthew Wright, Professor of Computing Security, Rochester Institute of Technology • conversation
Oct. 9, 2020 ~8 min

Faked videos shore up false beliefs about Biden's mental health

It's easy to edit video of public figures to make them appear asleep, confused, drunk or cognitively impaired when they are not. The technique is being used to undermine Joe Biden's campaign.

Dustin Carnahan, Assistant Professor of Communication, Michigan State University • conversation
Sept. 16, 2020 ~8 min

TikTok is a unique blend of social media platforms – here's why kids love it

An app that young people use to share videos of themselves dancing might seem like a silly diversion, but it's become a powerhouse social media platform.

Kevin Munger, Assistant Professor of Political Science and Social Data Analytics, Pennsylvania State University • conversation
Aug. 26, 2020 ~9 min

How deadly is COVID-19? A biostatistician explores the question

The COVID-19 death toll in the US is now over 130,000. What do 130,000 fatalities look like? A biostatistician provides some perspective.

Ron Fricker, Professor of Statistics and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Administration, Virginia Tech • conversation
July 10, 2020 ~9 min
