Health care workers are frazzled – and poor sleep may turn stress into poor mental health

Disturbed sleep can worsen depressive symptoms of health care workers whose jobs come with high levels of emotional labor and work-family conflict.

Yuan Zhang, Associate Professor of Nursing, UMass Lowell • conversation
March 14, 2023 ~8 min

A journey from work to home is about more than just getting there – the psychological benefits of commuting that remote work doesn't provide

It turns out that there are some benefits to all the time we spend commuting.

Kristie McAlpine, Assistant Professor of Management, Rutgers University • conversation
Feb. 2, 2023 ~6 min

Pandemic, war and environmental disaster push scientists to deliver quick answers – here's what it takes to do good science under pressure

Scientists can be asked to help find solutions during disasters. A study of how archaeologists worked on the problem of looting during the Syrian war offers lessons for science done during crisis.

Michelle D. Fabiani, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, University of New Haven • conversation
Dec. 14, 2021 ~8 min

None of the 2021 science Nobel laureates are women – here's why men still dominate STEM award winning

Science fields are improving at being more inclusive. But explicit and implicit barriers still hold women back from advancing in the same numbers as men to the upper reaches of STEM academia.

Mary K. Feeney, Professor and Lincoln Professor of Ethics in Public Affairs, Arizona State University • conversation
Oct. 8, 2021 ~12 min

Work-life balance: what really makes us happy might surprise you

Tipping the scales away from work may not be the wisest way to recalibrate your work-life balance.

Lis Ku, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, De Montfort University • conversation
Sept. 22, 2021 ~7 min

Lack of sleep is harming health care workers – and their patients

To keep our health care providers healthy, we need to help them sleep.

Soomi Lee, Assistant Professor of Aging Studies, University of South Florida • conversation
May 17, 2021 ~11 min

5 expert tips for working from home in a crowded house during the coronavirus pandemic

How does a family of five with different priorities and attention spans get work done and still have fun in the same small space?

Brittany Harker Martin, Associate Professor, Leadership, Policy & Governance, University of Calgary • conversation
March 20, 2020 ~6 min
