Spinal cord stimulation eases phantom limb pain

Stimulating the spinal cord can elicit sensation in the missing foot and alleviate phantom limb pain in people with lower limb amputations.

Anastasia Gorelova-Pittsburgh • futurity
Dec. 18, 2023 ~6 min

Smoking ups risk of poor outcomes after knee surgery

"Tobacco use history was associated with the highest rate for severe complications, including above-knee amputation," says James Keeney.

Eric Stann-Missouri • futurity
Jan. 27, 2022 ~3 min

Race and residence may boost diabetes-related amputation risk

The chance of having a diabetes-related foot and/or toe amputation may depend on your race and where you live, a new study shows.

Rae Lynn Mitchell-Texas A&M • futurity
Aug. 13, 2021 ~5 min

Robotic ankle restores abilities for people with prostheses

With training, neural control of a powered robotic ankle can restore a wide range of abilities, including squatting and standing on challenging surfaces.

Matt Shipman-NC State • futurity
April 13, 2021 ~8 min

Prosthetic offers real-time mind control of robotic hand

A new prosthetic allows amputees real-time, intuitive, finger-level control of a robotic hand. "It's like you have a hand again," one user says.

Nicole Casal Moore-Michigan • futurity
March 4, 2020 ~7 min

‘E-glove’ gives prosthetic hands human touch and warmth

A new e-glove can help people with prosthetic hands feel pressure and temperature, while also giving prostheses the softness and warmth of real skin.

Chris Adam-Purdue • futurity
Sept. 4, 2019 ~3 min
