‘Space snowman’ explains how distant objects become ice bombs

A new study on how comets evolve reveals that deep space objects may be time capsules containing ancient ices from billions of years ago.

Juan Siliezar-Brown • futurity
March 28, 2024 ~6 min

Did comet’s blast spark agriculture in Syria 12,800 years ago?

Agriculture in Syria started with a bang as a fragmented comet slammed into the Earth's atmosphere over Abu Hureyra, say researchers.

Sonia Fernandez-UCSB • futurity
Oct. 5, 2023 ~10 min

Comet’s intense heat turned sand to glass 12,000 years ago

Heat from a comet exploding just above the ground in what is now the Atacama Desert in Chile fused sandy soil into patches of glass around 12,000 yeas ago.

Kevin Stacey-Brown • futurity
Nov. 5, 2021 ~7 min

Our solar system may have captured ‘alien’ comets

"...there could be anywhere from a few hundred to hundreds of thousands of these alien comets orbiting the sun."

U. Zurich • futurity
Dec. 31, 2019 ~5 min

Weird blue asteroid is even stranger than we thought

A blue asteroid that sometimes acts like it's a comet has scientists scratching their heads, but new research digs into its potential origins.

U. Arizona • futurity
Oct. 30, 2018 ~4 min
