‘Parentese’ chatter improves baby’s language later

Speaking to a baby in "parentese" and responding to babbles with smiles and eye contact is important for the baby's language development.

U. Washington • futurity
April 15, 2024 ~6 min

Acoustic tagging is like caller ID for whales

Simultaneous acoustic tagging is helping researchers gain insights into the link between whale communication and behavior.

Dan Bernardi - Syracuse U. • futurity
March 26, 2024 ~6 min

How parents talked with kids about Black Lives Matter differed by race

Black and white parents talked to their kids about the Black Lives Matter movement after the murder of George Floyd, but used different language to explain it.

U. Washington • futurity
Feb. 15, 2024 ~6 min

How your hand gestures reveal your thoughts

On this episode of the Big Brains podcast, an expert breaks down the secret conversations we have through our hand gestures.

U. Chicago • futurity
Jan. 31, 2024 ~2 min

Terrorist propaganda holds predictable patterns

Predictable patterns in terrorist propaganda could provide a foundation for developing counter-messaging, researchers say.

Bert Gambini-Buffalo • futurity
Sept. 27, 2023 ~6 min

How can scientists better explain climate risks?

Climate scientists have long struggled to find the best ways to present info about future sea level rise, but they're getting better.

Juan Siliezar-Brown • futurity
July 10, 2023 ~10 min

Whales sing louder due to noisy wind, but not boats

Humpback whales sing louder around noisy wind, but not noisy boats. The discovery could have consequences for their breeding and behavior.

U. Queensland • futurity
May 11, 2023 ~4 min

Chimps combine sounds to communicate greater meaning

Like humans, chimps can combine words into phrases to communicate more meaning. What's more, other chimps can understand those combinations.

Rita Ziegler-Zurich • futurity
May 8, 2023 ~4 min

Health care providers rarely ask about gun access

Health care providers rarely ask patients if they have access to firearms, researchers report. Here's why they should.

Patrice Harley-Rutgers • futurity
March 14, 2023 ~5 min

There’s more to honesty than not lying

A new framework for honest behavior suggests it encompasses much more than the binary of either telling the truth or lying.

Caitlin Kizielewicz Carnegie Mellon • futurity
March 10, 2023 ~6 min
