‘Diamond rain’ in space could prove useful on Earth

"Diamond rain" on the giant icy planets Neptune and Uranus could be more common than previously thought, say scientists.

Stanford • futurity
Sept. 13, 2022 ~9 min

Diamond ‘panini press’ mimics carbonate in lower mantle

"What we were interested in is, when is carbon not diamond?" Finding the answer involves something called a diamond anvil cell.

Michigan State • futurity
March 25, 2021 ~7 min

Heat and pressure morph fossil fuel molecule into pure diamonds

With the right amount of pressure and surprisingly little heat, a substance found in fossil fuels can transform into pure diamonds.

Josie Garthwaite-Stanford • futurity
Feb. 26, 2020 ~6 min

Superhard forms of carbon expected to rival diamonds

Machine learning predicts 43 previously unknown, superhard forms of carbon. Could one offer a cheaper alternative to diamond?

Charlotte Hsu-Buffalo • futurity
Sept. 18, 2019 ~5 min

Insane pressure and heat ‘dope’ nanodiamonds

With a new method, scientists doped nanodiamonds with silicon, which made them glow a deep red.

James Urton-Washington • futurity
May 7, 2019 ~7 min
