Quantum chemistry protects against macular degeneration

A new discovery explains how quantum chemistry may protect against age-related macular degeneration. It could lead to new treatments.

Fred Mamoun-Yale • futurity
May 16, 2023 ~6 min

‘Cybersickness’ from VR headsets hits women more often

When using virtual reality headsets, women are more likely than men to suffer cybersickness, researchers have found.

Rachel Cramer-Iowa State • futurity
May 3, 2023 ~6 min

Target could lead to more effective glaucoma treatment

"Age-related neurodegenerative disease, which includes glaucoma... is the biggest global health problem," says Arupratan Das.

Christina Griffiths-Indiana • futurity
March 13, 2023 ~4 min

Tiny eye motions help us see a steady world

Even though your eyes move constantly, you see the world as stable, not blurry. New research clarifies how tiny movements make it happen.

Lindsey Valich-Rochester • futurity
Feb. 24, 2023 ~5 min

Dry eye changes how injured cornea heals itself

Dry eye disease alters how the cornea heals itself after injury. Now, researchers have identified new potential therapy targets.

Jim Dryden-WUSTL • futurity
Jan. 4, 2023 ~4 min

Dark therapy may treat lazy eye

New research investigates the mechanisms that underlie a treatment for patients with amblyopia, also known as "lazy eye."

Jocelyn Duffy-Carnegie Mellon • futurity
Dec. 19, 2022 ~5 min

Repeated stress speeds up eye aging

Retinal aging caused by stress produces symptoms similar to those resulting from natural aging, researchers report.

UC Irvine • futurity
Nov. 21, 2022 ~6 min

Octopuses have really fantastic vision

The last common ancestor between octopuses and humans was 500 million years ago, but their eyes are still "remarkably similar" to our own.

U. Oregon • futurity
Nov. 16, 2022 ~6 min

Retina jitters help fruit flies adjust their vision

Fruit flies can't move their eyes to adjust their vision like we can. But, they've come up with an alternative: they move their retinas.

Katherine Fenz-Rockefeller • futurity
Oct. 27, 2022 ~8 min

Primate eye color variation may arise from habitat

Variation among primate eye color may be the result of ambient light in their habitats, new research finds.

National University of Singapore • futurity
Oct. 18, 2022 ~6 min
