Stretchy sensor works for health and video games

Super stretchy and sensitive sensors could work to monitor health or even help control video games, researchers report.

Matt Shipman-NC State • futurity
Jan. 4, 2023 ~5 min

Video games can change your brain for the better

Regular video game players have superior decision-making skills and enhanced brain activity in certain regions, researchers find.

Camden Flath-Futurity • futurity
July 12, 2022 ~5 min

Do video games help or hurt well-being after a job loss?

Video games can offer relief for unemployed workers, but the benefits to well-being might not be the same for gamers looking for escapism, researchers say.

U. Florida • futurity
July 1, 2022 ~5 min

6 psychological reasons everybody is loving Wordle

A social psychologist explains why our brains crave Wordle and why sharing the experience is so key to why it's catching on.

Alisson Clark-Florida • futurity
Jan. 14, 2022 ~6 min

Can playing an exercise game fight dementia?

"...there's hope that through targeted play we will be able not only to delay but also weaken the symptoms of dementia."

ETH Zurich • futurity
April 19, 2021 ~7 min

Listen: How alternate reality games can pave way for change

Listen to two scientists explain how they're using alternate reality games to bring new students together, to educate, and even to fight climate change.

U. Chicago • futurity
Dec. 15, 2020 ~2 min

As college esports grow, women are left out

With colleges expanding competitive gaming, also known as esports, a new study looks at how women are being left out of the top tier.

Matt Shipman-NC State • futurity
Sept. 14, 2020 ~4 min

Young people with gaming disorder are more anxious

While playing video games isn't a problem for most, those who develop symptoms of gaming disorder are more anxious, aggressive, depressed, and shy.

Angie Hunt-Iowa State • futurity
May 14, 2020 ~5 min

‘AuraRing’ could let you control games with a flick

The AuraRing system can track hand movements and the user's finger, which could allow finer control over games, smartphones, VR, and more.

Sarah McQuate-Washington • futurity
Feb. 6, 2020 ~5 min

A.I. could spot students struggling in educational games

A new artificial intelligence model can predict how much students are learning while playing educational games, and even who'll answer questions correctly.

Matt Shipman-NC State • futurity
Feb. 5, 2020 ~3 min
