Psychedelics reopen ‘critical periods’ for social learning

Psychedelics could help reopen the window of time when "the mammalian brain is far more susceptible and open to learning..."

Vanessa Wasta-Johns Hopkins • futurity
June 20, 2023 ~7 min

Why are kids so great at learning? GABA

A new study shows that the key to children's ability to rapidly learn ABCs and 123s is spelled "GABA."

Corrie Pikul-Brown • futurity
Nov. 16, 2022 ~6 min

How to add nuance to preschoolers’ idea of ‘fair’

New findings offer a way to develop preschoolers' sense of what's fair, and help them develop some nuance in their morality.

Robin Smith-Duke • futurity
Oct. 25, 2022 ~5 min

2 tricks will help you learn and remember new stuff

There are two tried and true strategies to improve your learning, whether you're prepping for an exam or learning a new skill.

Rachel Cramer-Iowa State • futurity
Oct. 24, 2022 ~6 min

Brain evolution clarifies why woodpeckers peck

The specialized brain area that helps songbirds learn songs also exists in woodpeckers, suggesting their communicative rat-a-tat-tat evolved the same way.

Corrie Pikul-Brown • futurity
Sept. 21, 2022 ~7 min

Brain evolution clarifies why woodpeckers peck

The specialized brain area that helps songbirds learn songs also exists in woodpeckers, suggesting their communicative rat-a-tat-tat evolved the same way.

Corrie Pikul-Brown • futurity
Sept. 21, 2022 ~7 min

Dogs can ‘think back’ and form abstract concepts

Dogs can remember things they did in the past and repeat actions when told to "do that again." That shows they can form abstract concepts, researchers say.

Bert Gambini-Buffalo • futurity
July 18, 2022 ~5 min

‘Fake’ data gets robots to learn new stuff faster

A new way to get robots to learn how to perform new tasks could cut down the learning time by letting the bots make some educated guesses.

Kate McAlpine-Michigan • futurity
July 5, 2022 ~6 min

Song swap indicates humpback whales trade culture

Observations of song learning among humpback whales indicate "a level of 'cultural transmission' beyond any observed non-human species."

U. Queensland • futurity
July 1, 2022 ~4 min

Brain practices new info while we sleep

New research involving a brain-computer interface device confirms that the brain uses a phenomenon called "replay" to remember new information.

Brown University • futurity
June 30, 2022 ~7 min
