This year’s cicada invasion will be double trouble

For the first time in more than 200 years, two broods of cicadas will emerge from the ground at the same time. Here's what you should know.

Kim Ward-Michigan State • futurity
April 18, 2024 ~6 min

Worm mating sheds light on the evolution of attraction

Previously unknown details about microscopic mating rituals may offer clues to a larger understanding of the genetic mechanisms of attraction

Katherine Fenz-Rockefeller • futurity
March 15, 2024 ~6 min

To woo a mate, male whales rather fight than sing

For male humpback whales, singing may no longer be in vogue when it comes to seduction, researchers report.

U. Queensland • futurity
Feb. 17, 2023 ~4 min

Pee is a big part of giraffe sex lives

Giraffes have no set breeding season, don't go into heat, and don't make mating calls. New research digs into their unique sex lives.

Kat Kerlin-UC Davis • futurity
Feb. 13, 2023 ~6 min

Pee is a big part of giraffe sex lives

Giraffes have no set breeding season, don't go into heat, and don't make mating calls. New research digs into their unique sex lives.

Kat Kerlin-UC Davis • futurity
Feb. 13, 2023 ~6 min

Termite kings and queens are awesome parents, and then retire

Queen and king termites are fantastic parents to upstart colonies. But only until their offspring can take over.

Lourdes Mederos-U. Florida • futurity
Nov. 9, 2022 ~5 min

Why animals’ bright colors can be warning or seduction

Animals' bright colors can be a warning to predators or an appeal to mates. Scientists looked back in time to figure out why.

U. Arizona • futurity
Oct. 19, 2022 ~9 min

Traits for mating can align with traits for surviving heat

"...reproduction can sometimes actually be the leading reason for many of the adaptations that animals have for dealing with their local climate."

Talia Ogliore-WUSTL • futurity
July 26, 2022 ~8 min

This mastodon migrated each year before dying in battle

A tusk from the Buesching mastodon reveals its annual migration pattern, report researchers. Northeast Indiana was likely a preferred summer mating ground for the solitary rambler.

Jim Erickson-Michigan • futurity
June 15, 2022 ~10 min

Sugar trouble kills the mood for mating cockroaches

German cockroach courtship and mating involve a sugary secretion. New research clarifies how this system can go awry.

Mick Kulikowski-NC State • futurity
May 17, 2022 ~8 min
