‘Near-meat’ may taste like beef but it’s very different

"Near-meat" substitutes taste and chew remarkably similar to real beef. But a new study using metabolomics shows they're as different as plants and animals.

Karl Bates-Duke • futurity
July 7, 2021 ~6 min

Residue reveals plants Native Americans smoked 1,500 years ago

A new study examines ancient pipe residue to figure out what people in America were smoking before and after European colonization.

U. Chicago • futurity
Sept. 29, 2020 ~6 min

Like geese, cancer cells play follow the leader

Metastatic cancer cells leave tumors and travel in clusters, not singles. A new study shows that drafting helps the process along.

Heidi Hall-Vanderbilt • futurity
March 26, 2019 ~3 min
