Folic acid in table salt prevents birth defects

Fortifying table salt with folic acid could help prevent serious birth defects like spina bifida and anencephaly, researchers report.

Rob Spahr-Emory • futurity
March 14, 2024 ~7 min

Our overuse of salt is a ‘slow-moving train wreck’

Human activities are making Earth's air, soil, and freshwater saltier, which could pose an existential threat if current trends continue.

Courtney Sakry-Virginia Tech • futurity
Dec. 8, 2023 ~7 min

Eating lots of salt may raise your risk of diabetes

People at risk for type 2 diabetes may already know to avoid sugar, but they may want to skip the salt as well.

Andrew Yawn-Tulane • futurity
Nov. 2, 2023 ~3 min

Table salt is really good at recycling plastic

Sodium chloride, simple table salt, offers a safe, inexpensive, and reusable way to recycle plastic waste, new research shows.

Emilie Lorditch-Michigan State • futurity
Sept. 7, 2023 ~6 min

Salt on Itokawa asteroid suggests liquid water

A large population of asteroids hurtling through the solar system may not be as dry as previously thought, salt grains on an asteroid show.

Daniel Stolte-Arizona • futurity
June 14, 2023 ~9 min

Are Europa’s streaks a frozen mix of water and salt?

A frozen mix of water and table salt created in a lab on Earth could explain the red streaks crossing the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa.

Hannah Hickey-U. Washington • futurity
March 1, 2023 ~7 min

A little more salt may keep batteries from catching fire

Adding more salt to a polymer-based electrolyte can keep batteries working without catching fire when heated to over 140 degrees F.

Stanford • futurity
Dec. 15, 2022 ~8 min

How plants reroute their roots to avoid salt

New research pins down what happens in plants as they change the direction of their growing roots to avoid salty soil.

Maria Hornbek-Copenhagen • futurity
Nov. 3, 2022 ~5 min

Earth’s oceans probably once had a lot more salt

For the first 500 million years of Earth’s existence, oceans may have had a salt level as high as 7.5%. By comparison, oceans today are about 2.5% salt.

Jim Shelton-Yale • futurity
Dec. 22, 2021 ~4 min

Salt causes surprising reaction deep in the brain

New research clarifies how salt intake affects the brain and the relationship between neuron activity and blood flow deep in the brain.

Jennifer Rainey Marquez-Georgia State • futurity
Nov. 12, 2021 ~6 min
