Solar probe reveals clues to one of the sun’s greatest mysteries

Data from the Parker Solar Probe bolster theories about a long-running mystery: why the sun's outer atmosphere is hotter than its fiery surface.

Kate McAlpine-Michigan • futurity
Dec. 16, 2021 ~6 min

Solar wind flows in ‘switchbacks and spikes’

The Parker Solar Probe data clarifies the sun's magnetic activity—and may bolster our ability to predict dangerous solar wind events, researchers say.

Jim Lynch-Michigan • futurity
May 1, 2020 ~7 min

Is this what our solar system’s ‘force field’ looks like?

There's a protective bubble around our solar system called the heliosphere. New research may bridge the divide between two major theories.

Kate Becker-Boston University • futurity
March 20, 2020 ~9 min
