Bats may shed light on human speech evolution

The part of bats' brains that controls vocalizations has similarities to the part of the human brain that controls speech, researchers find.

Kara Manke-UC Berkeley • futurity
March 6, 2024 ~7 min

Beta waves in the brain can predict stuttering in advance

Beta waves are brain waves tied to thought, actions, and reactions. New research finds that they can also predict when a person will stutter.

James Devitt-NYU • futurity
Feb. 19, 2024 ~5 min

Gen X says ‘prize’ and ‘face’ differently in Southern accent

The Southern accent has shifted between white English speakers of Generation X and baby boomers, a study finds.

Katie Cowart-U. Georgia • futurity
Sept. 11, 2023 ~5 min

Implant turns thoughts into words at high speed

An implant enabled a person with ALS to create words on a computer just by thinking of saying them, researchers report.

Juan Siliezar-Brown • futurity
Aug. 24, 2023 ~8 min

Speech therapy app uses biofeedback

A speech therapy app uses biofeedback. The approach could also be useful for gender-affirming care or teaching Mandarin.

Jade McClain-NYU • futurity
Feb. 28, 2023 ~9 min

App may improve communication for kids with disabilities

An app designed to boost communication skills of children with developmental disorders in South Africa could also help kids worldwide.

Anna Varela - Georgia State • futurity
Oct. 17, 2022 ~5 min

Tests use Dr. Seuss to probe speech perception

Researchers had participants listen to a speaker reading The Lorax to investigate how the brain is engaged during complex audiovisual speech perception.

Kelsie Smith-Hayduk - U. Rochester • futurity
Sept. 22, 2022 ~5 min

What is aphasia? Researchers explain

Experts on the language disorder aphasia explain symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments, and dispel some common myths.

Noelle Toumey Reetz-Georgia State • futurity
April 27, 2022 ~10 min

We mimic the accent we think we’ll hear

People imitate accent features they believe they'll hear, even before the person they're speaking to has said a word, research confirms.

Michele Berger-Penn • futurity
April 12, 2022 ~7 min

For some kids with autism, online treatment could beat in-person

When a program for kids with autism moved online due to COVID, its success came as a surprise. In some cases, online therapy worked better, researchers say.

Erin Digitale-Stanford • futurity
Feb. 9, 2022 ~8 min
