How the livestock industry has shaped climate policy

"...the livestock industry has shaped public opinion and public policy to ensure that it can continue to operate and emit as usual."

Diana Udel - U. Miami • futurity
March 5, 2024 ~5 min

Meat and dairy industry giants hold the plant power behind many vegan brands

A sustainable food system starts with a fairer corporate structure. It won’t simply come from a shift in consumer habits during Veganuary’s push for people to eat a more plant-based diet. Here’s why.

Benjamin Selwyn, Professor of International Relations and International Development, Department of International Relations, University of Sussex • conversation
Jan. 23, 2024 ~7 min

Think wine is a virtue, not a vice? Nutrition label information surprised many US consumers

People may be surprised when they read a nutrition label on a bottle of wine. The industry should take note.

Deidre Popovich, Associate Professor of Marketing, Texas Tech University • conversation
Jan. 22, 2024 ~5 min

Ads with wide pay ranges can put off job seekers

"It's not just a choice between including a pay range or not—how compensation information is communicated matters..."

Sara Zaske-Washington State • futurity
Jan. 3, 2024 ~6 min

Check out these tips for Dry January

What is Dry January? If you're thinking of starting the year without alcohol, an expert has tips to make your month a success.

Michigan State • futurity
Dec. 27, 2023 ~6 min

What Rochelle Walensky learned

Sees major progress in science since 1918 Spanish flu outbreak, but says complications of politics have plagued every epidemic since.

Alvin Powell • harvard
Dec. 21, 2023 ~7 min

Amazon’s neighbors may face more pollution but order less stuff

The people whose packages arrive on Amazon trucks aren't the same ones who experience the resulting pollution, a study on Seattle finds.

Sarah McQuate-Washington • futurity
Dec. 15, 2023 ~7 min

How companies skirt law to contain US tax dollars

A new study reveals how companies are responding to BEAT provisions and identifies the potential costs associated with their tax avoidance strategy.

Matt Shipman-NC State • futurity
Dec. 13, 2023 ~7 min

Rural communities are being left behind because of poor digital infrastructure, research shows

New research reveals the digital divide that was exposed by the COVID pandemic.

Sarah Lindop, Senior Lecturer in Finance, Aberystwyth University • conversation
Dec. 6, 2023 ~6 min

Customers aren’t sold on clothing brands’ social impact

Businesses might not be doing an adequate job of communicating to customers what they're doing to improve society, a study indicates.

Pate McCuien-U. Missouri • futurity
Nov. 15, 2023 ~4 min
