3 Questions: A roadmap toward circularity in the footwear industry

Coauthors of a “Footwear Manifesto” report discuss survey findings that point to industry collaboration as a path to reducing waste in shoe manufacturing.

Fabric Innovation Hub • mit
Oct. 27, 2023 ~7 min

AIs could soon run businesses – it’s an opportunity to ensure these 'artificial persons' follow the law

If a business is run by an AI and it causes you harm, could you sue the AI?

John Nay, Fellow at CodeX - Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, Stanford University • conversation
Oct. 27, 2023 ~7 min

Being weird can be a blessing and curse for Shark Tank entrepreneurs

For entrepreneurs, being unapologetically weird can be an advantage. But, it can also be a liability, a new study shows.

Alexandra Richter-U. Buffalo • futurity
Oct. 26, 2023 ~4 min

After Purdue Pharma lawsuit, competitors swooped in

Legal action against Purdue Pharma resulted in greater marketing spending to promote opioids among its competitors, a study finds.

U. Washington • futurity
Oct. 17, 2023 ~9 min

Lego's ESG dilemma: Why an abandoned plan to use recycled plastic bottles is a wake-up call for supply chain sustainability

Corporate supply chains are riddled with high, uncounted emissions, as Lego discovered. New regulations mean more companies will face tough, sometimes surprising, choices.

Hau L. Lee, Professor of Operations, Information & Technology, Stanford University • conversation
Oct. 5, 2023 ~8 min

Big businesses say they are helping to restore ecosystems – but proof remains elusive

The world’s ecosystems need to be restored – and fast. Large corporations are well-placed to do so.

Tim Lamont, Research Fellow, Lancaster University • conversation
Sept. 20, 2023 ~7 min

Big businesses say they are helping to restore ecosystems – but there's little evidence

The world’s ecosystems need to be restored – and fast. Large corporations are well-placed to do so.

Tim Lamont, Research Fellow, Lancaster University • conversation
Sept. 8, 2023 ~7 min

Should AI be permitted in college classrooms? 4 scholars weigh in

Scholars differ over whether having students use AI in their assignments will help or hurt their careers after graduation.

Shital Thekdi, Associate Professor of Analytics and Operations, University of Richmond • conversation
Sept. 4, 2023 ~8 min

How to get federal disaster aid: FEMA is running out of money, but these strategies can help survivors of Hurricane Idalia and the Maui fires get aid faster

An expert in disaster law explains the steps for securing aid, what to do if everything is lost and the deadlines to watch.

Latisha Nixon-Jones, Associate Professor of Law, Jacksonville University • conversation
Aug. 31, 2023 ~9 min

Lower wages come back to bite prestige brands

Prestige brands that leverage their "resume power' to pay lower wages ultimately hurt their own profits, research finds.

Duke U. Fuqua School of Business • futurity
Aug. 29, 2023 ~6 min
